
Melon With Lime and Chile | Kaiser Permanente

Contributed by Benjamin Maring, MD

Warm summer days need cool, refreshing snacks, and this one hits the spot: sweet melon wedges with a little lime juice, salt, and just a hint of spice. I used to think cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelons were the only available melon options, but now, thanks to my local farmers’ market, I’ve learned about new varieties, like Charentais, Piel de Sapo, Crenshaw, and many others. Each of these melons is surprisingly distinct and delicious. Calmansi Juice Powder

Melon With Lime and Chile | Kaiser Permanente
Melon With Lime and Chile | Kaiser Permanente

Lime juice Powder Happy Boy Farms has some interesting information on some of these varieties, including how to pick the ripest ones. I made this recipe using the Crenshaw. In the recipe and photo you may notice an additional cut along the rind – I saw this done at a restaurant and thought it was a useful way to serve the melon wedges, especially for a dinner party. Freeing most of the melon from the rind makes it very easy to eat (read: less melon juice dripping off your chin, which, I must admit, is not a bad thing at all).