A public high school in Maine is among the first in the state to adopt biometric scanning technology to track student attendance.
Caribou High School in Aroostook County (RSU 39) has contracted with IdentiMetrics to implement a system that scans students’ fingerprints, stores the data, and creates a tracking system so that administrators can have an easier time keeping track of the roughly 460 students. Fingerprint Card

According to a letter from school Principal Jamie Selfridge, the new biometric surveillance technology will be deployed for students this year.
“Starting next trimester, we will be introducing Identimetrics to assist with attendance and tardies entries into PowerSchool, our school’s student management system,” Selfridge wrote in a Jan. 24 letter to parents.
“[P]lease be assured that the new software adheres to strict privacy guidelines, and it will only be used for attendance purposes within our school environment,” Selfridge said.
Selfridge did not say what security protocols, if any, RSU 39 may be adopting in order to safeguard students’ biometric data.
IdentiMetrics’ website touts the product as a money-saving product for schools, claiming that the program can save districts thousands of dollars a year by saving school lunch programs the hassle of manually contacting parents about “problem student accounts.”
Although Selfridge didn’t say whether students will use the program to pay for the school lunches, this function does appear to be one of the primary uses for the fingerprint-scanning technology.
According to the website, increasing the number of students who scan their fingerprints in the lunch line can boost the reimbursements a district receives for school food service program enrollment.
Some parents, in Caribou and elsewhere, have expressed concerns or skepticism of implementing biometric surveillance programs in schools. Part of the concern is that access to hordes of student data presents an enticing target for hackers.
In Nov., the Mills Administration admitted that a breach of Maine.gov systems nearly six months earlier resulted in a Russian hacking group stealing information on nearly every Maine resident, including Maine Department of Education data on students.
It’s not clear from Selfridge’s letter whether the Maine DOE, the company behind IdentiMetrics, or other corporate third parties would have access to students’ biometric data.
It’s also not clear whether parents and students will have the option to opt out of having their biometric data collected and stored by the government-run school.
Nor is it clear whether, when, and how data kept on students would be destroyed after graduation.
Steve Robinson is the Editor-in-Chief of The Maine Wire. He can be reached by email at Robinson@TheMaineWire.com.
To any Caribou family gullible enough to go along with this… please send me your credit card #, and make sure you don’t forget the 3 digit security code. Thanks a million.
I’m not surprised. Taking attendance manually would not only have to be negotiated with the union but is also a calculation to advance for today’s teachers to comprehend. I suspect a whole new division would need to be hired to perform this step manually. Last I heard most students are comped lunches anyway so I’m pretty sure the numbers you’re looking for already exist on the free loader database.
This is really the core of this tech:
“Although Selfridge didn’t say whether students will use the program to pay for the school lunches, this function does appear to be one of the primary uses for the fingerprint-scanning technology.”
See how it works on small scale, implement on large scale. Suspiciously sounds like the “mark of the beast” type of system…. need a fingerprint, turns into microchip and its all downhill from there…
Maine worries about citizen privacy insofar as it provides a ruse to avoid cleaning up voter rolls Otherwise (ERIC, Blackbaud, etc. ) not so much
WOW…. the prophecies are gettting REAL… time to seriously reconsider home schooling once again…. So thankful for Maine Wire news…
WTF is happening in the county? Did they get gentrified during covid or something?
How much money will they be throwing down the hopper on this new system, which will also come with expensive insurance and maintenance contracts? Sure do hope none of the kids comply with using it.
This is rich..“[P]lease be assured that the new software adheres to strict privacy guidelines, and it will only be used for attendance purposes within our school environment,” Selfridge said. Anything about this policy suddenly changing sometime in the future? When do they move into the DNA collection phase? How will they justify that?
If people in our State don’t wake up and stand up to what is being done to their children it will reach a point where the clicking of heels will become mandatory.
Stop it now. This is just like communist China tracking every move. NO.
Don’t we parents and citizens get to vote on this? Should our own people be treated like tagged slaves! What about those thousands biden let run rampid in our streets commiting hate crimes. Dont see them scanned, numbered or treated as such as this. This is absolutely uncalled for. Another mark of the beast for USA! I say no, and if it starts, especially without concent of parents, I will take my kid out of school! Bad enough God is not in schools, justice systems, not our laws nor even our elects that are to better our people! I say no. All these forced things while immigrants are given our money, forcing us into incurable debts while the elite of earth live hig on their hogs out of our slavery!
Don’t see any jails doing this.. yet they feed them of government taxes. Dont see them doing anything to feed the homeless. Go scan them and keep track wether they’re fed, clothed, housed, and living tax payers. Do something useful with our billions.
How sick and disturbing. Homeschooling is exploding for this exact reason
This is the begining of the mark of the beast, the chip, the no food if you do not go along the system, Do not allow it or fall for more of the controling decptions. go to annavonreitz.com and themaineassembly.org get involved, say NO, No and hell no.
This is unreal, if this goes through my child will NOT be microchips or finger printed just to keep tabs… our child are not dogs, or slaves. When do parents have a say on this? We all need to get-together and contest this crap!!
O… and who did they send this paper to? I never received anything about this!!
No way! And every time any branch of government tells you your info will stay with them and be safe, it isn’t
My child will not attend there in three years if this is still in place at that time.
Ha … that’s adorable!!!! My school serves over 2700 students each day!!!
School board, superintendent, principals, teachers, support staff…you go first!
Another way of saying this is “The government will now start collecting unique biometric data on your children. This data will be used to follow them for the rest of their lives. Thank you, Big Brother”
I’ll bet you that ILLEGAL students will get a free pass on this one. They want to keep these people anonymous for a reason.
This appears to be another half-baked idea, justified by fuzzy rationale and vacuous promises.
UPDATE: According to WGME 13, a Bangor Daily News report 2/15/24 states, “Caribou High School will NOT use fingerprinting software to track student attendance in the wake of negative reaction to the plan from parents and a Maine civil rights group.
Principal Jamie Selfridge sent a letter to families on Jan. 24 about the school’s plan to use identiMetrics, a biometric system that scans students’ fingerprints to store data on attendance.
That prompted the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine to submit a Maine Freedom of Access Act request to the RSU 39 school district Tuesday seeking all records of communications with identiMetrics and the district’s privacy policies.”
Lesson: Parental protests work! Boycotts work, too! Be unafraid to object, get angry, and remember the silent majority is no longer silent! Safe the children!
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