Normal range of motion (ROM) values vary by joint. For example, normal ROM of ankle dorsiflexion (bringing the toes toward the shin) is 20 degrees and a normal ROM of knee flexion (bending) is 150 degrees. ROM also varies from person to person, so knowing what your ROM is can protect you from overdoing things and getting hurt.
Read on to learn more about the ranges of motion that are typically considered normal for various joints throughout the body. Flange Rtj Face

Mention joints of the body, and most people think of their knees. You have many other joints, some you might not even realize. Joints are anywhere on your body where your bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and muscles attach.
Most joints allow for a certain amount of movement in one or more directions. Physical therapists use a device called a goniometer to measure your ROM. The device has two arms with a hinge in the middle. Your therapist will measure the degree to which you can straighten, bend, or rotate your joint.
Each joint has different ranges of motion for each type of movement it can perform. A few, like the joints in your skull, don't allow any movement.
You need to be able to move your joints to do basic tasks like washing your hair. You also need to be able to move well enough to exercise and stay healthy. Some everyday joint movements include:
Rotation and rolls may include:
Some joints, like your shoulders, are ball-and-socket types. They can move in many different directions. Other joints, like your knees and elbows, are hinge joints designed to open and close in one direction.
Your physical therapist or exercise physiologist will measure and record your ROM. Then they'll compare it to the standard ROM value for that joint. During your medical history, they'll ask for your age. ROM standards differ based on how old you are.
Commonly used ROM values can differ in exact values, depending on the source. However, they are generally within a similar range.
Below are generally accepted values for a normal ROM for some individual joints as measured in degrees.
Two significant factors that can affect your ROM are your age and sex. Researchers studied the range of motion of eight joints in 40 men and women. They had the participants do different exercises and measured how far they could move each joint. They also recorded how long it took them to do each exercise.
The researchers found nearly a 45% difference between the younger and older participants on foot exercises. The exercises measured the ability to rotate the foot inward and outward. They say even older adults without joint problems can have a smaller ROM than younger people. Older people can also take longer to reach their full ROM for any given joint.
The researchers also reported that the women participants had nearly 30% more ROM in their hands than the men.
Stretching is believed to increase joint flexibility. In another study, researchers compared ROM values before and after stretching in a group of men and women in their early 20s. The stretching helped improve muscle stiffness in both sexes. However, it only increased ROM in the women.
Limited ROM is when you can't move a joint as fully and easily as it should move. This can be due to a problem within the joint or injuries to the joint's soft tissues. Arthritis is the most common cause of stiff joints and limited ROM.
Regaining ROM in a joint is one of the first phases of injury rehabilitation. Physical therapists often prescribe specific ROM exercises for each joint.
Exercising, stretching, and other forms of regular daily movement help you maintain the ROM you have. If you have limited ROM, static stretching has been shown to increase joint ROM. This involves stretching a muscle as much as possible and holding the position for 15 to 20 seconds.
One study also found that applying heat while stretching can be helpful. Participants who used heat during stretching saw a slight improvement in ROM compared to those who stretched without heat.
Physical therapists often prescribe specific ROM exercises tailored for each joint and condition. These exercises take into account the swelling, pain, and stiffness you have.
There are three types of ROM exercises:
If you have limited ROM, your exercises would be designed to increase your flexibility over time gradually.
Range of motion, or ROM, is how much you can move or stretch a particular joint. Knowing what your ROM is can help protect you from an injury. Many factors can affect ROM, such as your age, sex, injuries, and arthritis.
This article provides generally accepted ROM ranges for joints that you can use for comparison. If you think you need help, see a doctor and ask about physical therapy. Physical therapists can prescribe exercises to help increase your ROM.
Correction - June 8, 2023: This article was updated to correct the range of motion values for hip abduction, shoulder flexion, and shoulder extension.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reference values for normal joint range of motion.
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US Veterans Benefits Administration. Joints (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle) examination.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. Range of motion evaluation chart.
Hwang J, Jung MC. Age and sex differences in ranges of motion and motion patterns. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2015;21(2):173-186. doi:10.1080/10803548.2015.1029301
Hoge KM, Ryan ED, Costa PB, et al. Gender differences in musculotendinous stiffness and range of motion after an acute bout of stretching. J Strength Cond Res. 2010;24(10):2618-2626. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181e73974
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Nakano J, Yamabayashi C, Scott A, Reid WD. The effect of heat applied with stretch to increase range of motion: a systematic review. Phys Ther Sport. 2012;13(3):180-188. doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2011.11.003
Behm DG, Blazevich AJ, Kay AD, McHugh M. Acute effects of muscle stretching on physical performance, range of motion, and injury incidence in healthy active individuals: a systematic review. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2016;41(1):1-11. doi:10.1139/apnm-2015-0235
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reference values for normal joint range of motion.
Hwang J, Jung MC. Age and sex differences in ranges of motion and motion patterns. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2015;21(2):173-86.
Page P. Current concepts in muscle stretching for exercise and rehabilitation. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2012;7(1):109-119.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. Range of motion evaluation chart.
By Elizabeth Quinn Elizabeth Quinn is an exercise physiologist, sports medicine writer, and fitness consultant for corporate wellness and rehabilitation clinics.
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